Thursday, November 20, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008

Political Parodies

I know I've already posted two of these and that the election is over, but I still think that they're hilarious so here's two more. Enjoy!



Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Great Schlep

Sarah Silverman is hilarious.


Ha I love these.


A good commentary from an everyday fellow.

I just can't stop

Now that I started watching Obama videos, I just can't stop so here's another one. Again, if you haven't voted yet, go do it! Democracy only works if we participate.

We Are The Ones

I just got back from voting, so I thought I'd post this video to inspire those of you who haven't voted yet. Today is our chance to make history. Don't throw it away on McSame and 4 more years of failed policies.