Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Here's a video from Postsecret to help celebrate your Valentine's day. I hope your day is filled with sugar, hugs, and lots of affection from your loved ones.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

John McCain...No we can't

So you know that Obama music video I posted? Here's one quite like it except it's about McCain. It made me chuckle. Enjoy.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Yes We Can

Sorry I've been missing for a while. I should have some time to talk about the Girl Talk show later, but right now on the eve of Super Tuesday, there are more important things. I'll be working the polls tomorrow and obviously voting. I hope to see you all doing your part as well. Obviously I would encourage you all to vote for the true progressive candidate, Barack Obama. Here's a little video to hopefully inspire you. Even if you don't like Obama at all, I encourage you to watch this video because it's incredibly moving. Regardless of your political affiliation, please get out to the polls tomorrow and vote. I would rather you vote Republican then nothing at all. With out further adiue, here is Barack Obama.