Even though there is still traces of snow on the ground, it is clear that summer is in the distance. Two things brought this to my attention: the fact that everyone is sick (more a sign of spring coming which will then be followed shortly by summer because we all know how short Chicago springs are) and that lineups for summer music festivals are being announced. As you hopefully noticed below, Lolla has begun the long process of announcing it's lineup and releasing tickets and now the next best festival has begun to announce their lineup as well. Of course I'm speaking of Pitchfork. Last years Pitchfork was amazing (although I'm told it was nothing compared to the year prior). Here's the initial lineup (there are always add ons)
Friday, July 18:Pitchfork Music Festival and All Tomorrow's Parties present Don't Look Back
Public Enemy performing It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back+ more, to be announced
Saturday, July 19:
Animal Collective
Vampire Weekend
Dizzee Rascal
No Age
Atlas Sound
Fleet Foxes
+ many more!
Sunday, July 20:
M. Ward
Extra Golden
El Guincho
+ many more!
Just like last year, this year features a wide gamut of genres and is three days (it used to only be two days). The first day is fashioned off of last years by which I mean they're bringing back classic groups (last year there were three so I imagine they'll do the same this year) to perform their opus magnums in their entirety. The first artist to be announced for this day as you can see is Public Enemy. That should be an incredible experience.
I'm unfamiliar with many of the other bands which will mean I'll be doing a lot of research between now and July 18th (the first day of the festival). I have faith in Pitchfork so I assume that many of the bands I haven't heard of will be stellar, but at the same time I am a little disappointed. I wish there were a few more big names, but on the other hand I love festivals so much because I get to find new music. My disappointment is certainly premature though because many more bands are yet to be announced.
As far as the artists I do know, I'm very excited for them. This short list would include Public Enemy, Animal Collective (who I was recently introduced to), Vampire Weekend, and M. Ward. I've seen !!! (yes, that is a band and it's pounced by saying any three one syllable words but most commonly known as Chick Chick Chick) before and I was unimpressed. The music just wasn't interesting to me. Despite the robust amount of energy and stage presence, I didn't enjoy them, but I may end up checking them out at the festival just because they may have changed in two years time.
I forgot to talk about the actual acquiring of the tickets. Tickets go on sale tomorrow (or rather today) Wednesday March 12th at 12 pm. There are three kinds of tickets that you can purchase. They are three day passes ($65), two day passes which get you into Saturday and Sunday ($50), and individual day passes ($30). I personally recommend the three day pass because this an incredible music festival and I guarantee you will find something you like every day. Even when you're not listening to music there are always fun little things to do like shop through the booths selling vinyls, get free stuff, and eat delicious food.
We'll just have to wait and see what else those amazing fokes over at Pitchfork can come up with. I must say I'm certainly excited. This should be a definite event to look forward to for any music lover who lives in the Chicago area or is willing to make the trek up to the Windy City. I hope to see you there!